Contact Us

Barry School of Real Estate

62 North Main St.
Concord, New Hampshire


Office: (603) 731-5380
Cell: (603) 731-3895


The Difference

What you get from the program at Barry School of Real Estate Our schools’ specials – just for you!

SOCIAL NETWORKING – Social Hour with great networking. We offer various social functions. IE wine and cheese. Appetizers and drinks, lunch and learn….

LEARN NETWORKING – Created exclusively for our Real Estate School by one of our dear students to help all our students study and pass the exam. Extensive on-line study programs including FLASH CARDS, DEFINITIONS, GAMES using Real Estate terminology, AUDIO LESSONS, and much more…

RESOURCE MATERIALS – We offer 3 Real Estate books that we use in class. Allowing you more information for study and they are great resource material once you have your license.

LEARN TO MAKE MONEY IN REAL ESTATE –  Sales is just the beginning! There is investing, passive income from referrals and recruiting as well! Let us show you how. Enter the mystifying world of real estate.